MSD Score Form
Giving Health & Safety Professionals Manual Handling Risk Management Programme Visibility
A Message from our Director Gareth Milner
'How can you assess whether your Manual Handling Risk Management Programme is working? You can of course measure Lost Time Accidents and even, but hopefully not, the payouts from successful Injury at Work Claims. With our MSD Score Form you can directly see how your Programme is affecting each of your employees by comparing body pain scores. It's simple to use, for both the Health & Safety Professional and the Employee. To receive our MSD Score Form LinkedIn connect with me and send me a message OR you can simply purchase it at the low-cost of £25.'
Tip 19 from my #BusinessBook Sorry! We're Closed is titled Download MSD Score Form. The below is taken from this #Expert #ManualHandling #Risk Management #PersonalProfessionalDevelopment Book.
It works rather like the MAC Tool. And I have used that ‘good format’ with our MSD Score Form. It has 6 pages with page 1 for writing the employee’s name; the date of their Manual Handling Training and states ‘How to complete the MSD Score’. Basically you give the Form to the employee the day before they receive Manual Handling Training. For the following regions of their body, they score between 0-10 for the levels of pain they are receiving:
Upper Back
Mid Back
Lower Back
Left/ Right Shoulder, Arm, Wrist
Left/ Right Hip, Knee, Ankle
They (or you) then total their score.
The 6 pages of the Score Form (stapled together) are then kept in their personal file (nothing wrong with being old school!). On the next Manual Handling Training date the same procedure is repeated; and so on, with future Training dates.