Want more information?
We understand the need for maximum information on a product, before making an important purchase. Therefore we have a Filming Case Study, a Blog, FAQs and Client Reviews (also below) on our Bespoke Manual Handling Training DVD. Please also view our Production Process Infographic below.
'' The Bespoke DVD was a great success. The overall opinion was that as the Bespoke DVD covered specific tasks within our own production facility, and featured our people doing the tasks, it was therefore more relevant by association.I think the DVD will become a very useful training tool for its intended induction purpose and also as a refresher tool. ''
Stephen Ward, New Products & Process Development Officer
'' I appreciate your hard work and professionalism in making the Manual Handling Training Video. It will certainly be of great benefit to us moving forward by not only providing great advice to staff, but also giving us the flexibility to deliver the training whenever it is needed ''
Luke Clements
Waste Operations Manager
Any Questions about our
Bespoke Manual Handling Training DVD
... Join us on a Teams Meeting
Ask our Director Gareth Milner (pictured to the left) any questions you may have about our Bespoke Manual Handling Training DVD via a Microsoft Teams Meeting any day of the working week. Call us on 0845 299 3513.