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Manual Handling Risk Assessment Tools

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Do you perform Manual Handling & Ergonomic Risk Assessments?

Want to improve your understanding on how MSDs happen?

Unsure how to incorporate the range of HSE Tools into your report?


Then this page is a must read for Health & Safety Professionals with its worked examples of the MAC, RAPP, ART and REBA Tools, and the Health & Safety Executive's Manual Handling Risk Assessment Checklists including what musculoskeletal disorders are likely and why, and risk reduction solutions. These worked examples are regularly changed which will be notified on my Linkedin page. 

Manual Handling Assessment Charts (MAC Tool)
Lifting & Carrying Assessment

The MAC Tool (Manual Handling Assessment Chart) is designed to help understand, interpret and categorize the level of risk of the various known risk factors associated with lifting, carrying and team handling activities, and check the effectiveness of any risk reduction measures. It incorporates a numerical and a colour-coding score system to highlight high risk Manual Handling tasks. It is appropriate for assessing loads above 8kg.


A new worked MAC Tool example will be posted on this page by March 2024.

Osteopathic Solutions
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