Occupational Health Assessments
Musculoskeletal Disorder
Employee Assessment & Medico-Legal Report

Do you have an employee who is suffering from a chronic musculoskeletal disorder and is constantly off work?
Doubtful an injury exists?
Concerned they will make a claim?
Not getting the necessary support from your Occupational Health Provider?
Or just looking to support the employee's rehabilitation?
Our Occupational Osteopaths specialise in the following onsite consultancies:
A). Employee Musculoskeletal Disorder Assessment, Manual Handling Risk Assessment & Training Consultancy
Case History & Physical Examination to confirm diagnosis (45 minutes)
Manual Handling Risk/ Ergonomic Assessment of Employee Tasks (1 Hour)
1-2-1 Manual Handling Practical Skills Training (75 minutes)
The cost of this consultancy is £995 to cover up to 2 employees over 1 day. This is inclusive of our travel expenses.
The cost of each employee’s Manual Handling Risk Assessment/ Medico-Legal report is £295.
B). Employee Musculoskeletal Disorder Assessment
Employees can be assessed in an onsite consultancy including the case history and physical examination using medical, orthopaedic, neurological and osteopathic examination to confirm diagnosis.
The cost of this consultancy is £995 to cover up to 6 employees over 1 day. This is inclusive of our travel expenses.
The cost of each employee’s Medico-Legal report is £195.
Essay 32 - Programme Your Occupational Health
Essay 32 is a must listen if you use a generic Occupational Health Provider ... here's a snippet.
Part of the Occupational Health Nurse's role includes providing Health Screening Services. This includes assessing/ interviewing an employee who has come back to work following a MSD. Remember the title of Tip 10? It was Recognise Experts from the Jack of All Trades. This is by no means to put down the Profession of Nursing, but this is a simple fact. Nurses are NOT Experts in Musculoskeletal Medicine. I will ask this question. If they are NOT Experts in MSDs then why the hell are they always employed to screen an employee’s MSD?
What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a drug-free, non-invasive manual therapy that aims to improve health across all body systems by manipulating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework
An Osteopath focuses on the joints, muscles and spine to provide treatment which positively effects the body's nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems
Manual therapy means that both diagnosis and treatment are carried out with the hands
Using their hands, Osteopaths apply a range of techniques to help reduce pain, increase joint mobility, relieve muscle tension and enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues, helping the body’s own healing mechanism. They may also provide advice on lifestyle issues, diet and exercise.
Most people who see an Osteopath do so for help with conditions that affect the muscles, bones and joints, such as: lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and elbow pain (for example, tennis elbow) arthritis, problems with the pelvis, hips and legs, sports injuries as well as muscle and joint pain associated with driving, work or pregnancy
Many Osteopaths also treat conditions that aren't directly related to muscles, bones and joints, such as headaches, migraines, and digestive disorders
''Lights, Camera, Osteopathy!'' A Treatment In Action
Featuring Osteopathic Solutions Director & qualified Osteopath Gareth Milner
Along with the rest of our Expert UK Team, Osteopathic Solutions Director and Business owner Gareth Milner is a qualified Osteopath; graduating from the European School of Osteopathy in 2004.
To gain an insight into the mastery of Osteopathy please view this video of our Director Gareth providing an Osteopathic treatment for Creative Director Emma Farrell.
You can also read our Blogs about this Osteopathic treatment on our Blog page. Please click here to read.