Accredited Manual Handling Instructor Programme
A cost effective way to train in house Manual Handling Instructors & Risk Assessors
2 Day Manual Handling Instructor Assessor Course
£595 Per Attendee
2 Day Manual Handling Instructor Assessor Course
£595 Per Attendee
2 Day Manual Handling Instructor Assessor Course
£595 Per Attendee
Courses run by Occupational Osteopaths
Inherently Practical in content
Formal Practical & Written Assessment
Certification & Course Booklet included
Indefinite Post Course Support
Courses now accredited with The CPD Group
Want more information?
We understand the need for maximum information before making an important booking. Therefore we have a Video (above), a Blog, a Case Study, FAQs as well as Reviews (see below). Or give us a call on 0845 299 3513
'Bespoke Public'. Surely an Oxymoron? You would think so. For our Public Manual Handling Instructor ('Train the Trainer') Assessor Courses we ask YOU to bring your Manual Handling Tasks, Loads and Environments with you.
No, we don't mean pick up your factory floor or bring your Helicopter, we mean bring Videos of tasks that can be used for the Risk Assessment coverage (MAC, RAPP, ART, REBA Tools) as well as Inanimate Loads that can be brought to the venue.
Our 'Bespoke Public' Accredited Programmes
Our 'Pick Out of the Hat' Competition
1 Attendee on Each Course has a chance to Win a Copy of our Manual Handling Training USB in our Pick Out of the Hat Competition! Here's what Course Attendee and Pick Out of the Hat Winner John Parker of Beaphar had to say ...
'' Course was enjoyable and well structured and made all the better by winning the Manual Handling Training USB; makes a nice change to see Videos like this produced in the UK and handling relevant loads, detailed training Videos complete with question sheets for staff to complete, all on a handy USB in a professional looking package with a nice glossy booklet. ''
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The Booking Confirmation & Joining instructions will then be emailed to your requested email.
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Complete the Online Booking Form & make a secure, online payment. The Booking Confirmation & Joining instructions will then be emailed to your requested email. Click the Tab below.
Tip 22 - Teach Yourself to be a Teacher
Here's a Tip 22 snippet from Gareth Milner's Sorry! We're Closed (recorded by our Voiceover Artist Sean Antony to the left) ...
'' Then my University days at the European School of Osteopathy (ESO) in Maidstone, Kent starting in the year 2000. I recall the Head of the School at the time, Professor Renzo Molinari ( His Biomechanics lectures were extremely stimulating and motivational for me to become an Expert like him. He also taught with such a lovely charm. Some didn’t like his style. But you can’t please everyone in life, can you? And if I am mentioning the ESO, I cannot leave out Professor Peter Blagrave; may God bless his soul. Mr. Blagrave had exceptional attention to detail and expected the best from you, always. You had such high respect for him, and he set the bar. With this he had authority, and you knew you had to follow his lead. He was approachable but at the same time, you knew you would be properly bollocked if you let your standards drop. At Osteopathic Solutions Ltd, I have become a Teacher. Not only in its early days teaching people in best practice Manual Handling, but since the start (and still) teaching our Team the standards they need to reach. I set the bar like Mr. Blagrave did, with my (reasonable) demands to aim for the remarkable. ''
Like throughout the Book, Gareth takes a fun, and serious approach to Manual Handling Risk Management supported by our Creative Director Emma Farrell's remarkable illustrations.